Throughout the Old Testament, the chosen people lived in the expectation of the Messiah, who would have to come to re-establish Israel and found His universal Reign on this earth.
They did not understand, in spite of the Prophets repeating it over and over, that before this glorious Reign, there would be a prior coming, not in the way of Royalty, but in a humble and suffering condition, and of an apparent final defeat on the cross.
Exactly the opposite happens with us Christians today. We accept that Jesus of Nazareth was the expected Messiah, but we have forgotten the promise that He must return to rule the earth with Justice and the people with rectitude, from a Jerusalem of a universal spiritual dominion accepted by all people.
It is certain that He reigns already from the Eucharist, in the hearts of the faithful believers and in those saved in heaven, but the essential promise of His reign over the Nations must be accomplished, from a restored Israel converted to Him towards the end of the Great Tribulation, a Reign in which all the Beatitudes will reach fulfilment.
This is the centre of the whole message of the Redemption, and it is the first promise that God makes with Mary at the moment of the Annunciation: “Behold you will give birth to a son and you will call Him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called Son of the Most High, God will give Him the Throne of David his father and He will reign over the house of Jacob and His Kingdom will have no end” (LK 1,27)
This promise was perfectly understandable for a young Jewish girl of that time, it needed no interpretation, and she knew exactly to what the words of the angel referred.
The lack of knowledge on these topics is very sad. Theology and Philosophy should now be debating what changes human nature will suffer with the arrival of the Millennium, as it’s a fact that not only Jerusalem and the Church will be restored, but also the human person itself, thereby almost recovering the original state: “We will all be transformed” (1 Cor 15, 51)
This is the hope that should continuously encourage us, we are assisting not at the end of the world, but at the most grandiose renovation of Humanity; we are in a new advent waiting for the Triumph of Good and the return of the Lord of History, the glorious Parousia of Jesus.